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  • What are some of the basic measures taken to reduce sticky wear?
  • Date:2019-07-02    From:    Click:126
  • There is still a lack of uniform ***ion criteria for reducing adhesive wear. Most of them rely on empirical knowledge to determine that automotive molds are some of the basic measures taken to reduce stick wear.

    1) Minimize the load between contact pairs, including mechanical and thermal loads; automotive molds

    2) Avoid the use of metal pairings instead of ceramics and ceramics, plastics and plastics, plastics and metals, ceramics and metals or plastics and ceramics.

    3) When using a metal pairing pair, the material of the body-centered cubic or hexagonal structure should be preferred, and the material of the face-centered cubic structure should be avoided;

    4) materials using heterogeneous structures;

    5) using a lubricating oil membrane to separate the contact pairs;

    6) A lubricating oil having an EP (extreme pressure) additive is used to form a protective adsorption layer or a reaction layer on the surface of the contact pair.